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On safari in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa. Scenes from Victoria Falls. On safari in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Visit to Cape Town, South African Wine Country, Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. November 2014

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Greater KuduGreater KuduWarthogElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringElephant Females with OffspringWhite RhinoWhite RhinoWhite RhinoWhite RhinoWhite Rhino